I had an incredible experience during my trip with John just last week. It was so amazing and inspiring, I have learnt so much , not just abt art and creating, by in a more psychological way.
My mind was(is) so full of imaginations and ideas with vivid colors and active images after this trip of all the experience, wonderful people, beautiful supporting smiles, meaningful places that I visited, the topics we have discussed with so many different people and the life stories we shared have now became a part of me forever.
And I wanted to have something to remember, to hold onto, so here I made this work. "Box of Treasured Memories"
This was originally a traditional Japanese style lunch box (bento bako) with 3 pieces as a set. In Japan, we serve this type of special premium lunch box to VIP guest and each section of it has different good food inside made with good quality material and love.
I used the technique John taught us in the collabo workshop to alter the surface of the bento box. I used Finnbair impasto and metallique plus some wax for the colors and highlight. I am completely happy with how the cover turned out and it looks sooo amazing in real :D (PLEASE ZOOM IN TO SEE THE DETAILS )
On the second level, I wanted to create the ancient and historical feel/touch of the Stone museum we visited where we received so many inspirations. I picked some of the stones there as the texture background. The pic of myself and John teaching was the highlight of this trip so I cannot possibly dismiss that.I altered a stencil brush into a pen, that brush actually was a dried up brush of John. I "stole" it when he was not looking lol and at that moment I already knew I wanted it to turn into a pen (it is really weird as we hadnt went to the pen store yet at that moment lol)
I also made two tiny books to store some of the little piece here and there in the trip. The receipt where I bought my first Ice Americana :D (which is totally a MIRACLE since I never drink coffee haha) and the bus ticket on the way back home etc
On the final level, it stores one of my fav jewelry made by John which I actually ordered last year when he started creating them. The piece has the perfect tone of purple blue and rust just how I LOVE. It has a wing on it which also represents my own name (which means beautiful feather of wings) and the word ART that is the center of my life right now.
Underneath the jewelry necklace is one of the photos we took before our classes started. It recorded the perfect moment of us with the excitement of abt to start the class. I am a LUCKY girl who got to have this honor to teach along side with him. and I ENJOY the whole experience so much
I hope you like how I tell this story of the treasured memories!